[Entertainment] Tickets Concert G-Dragon in Malaysia selling as like MichiGo

by - Sunday, May 19, 2013

For sure~ All Malaysian VIP (of course) known what happen on 11th May 2013 (saturday) at Fahrenheit88, Shopping Mall Bukit Bintang, KL~?? Hihihi
Oh yes!! The official sale’s date of ticket concert G-Dragon 2013 World Tour: One of a Kind Live in Malaysia. G-Dragon will hold his solo concert in Malaysia on 22nd June 2013 (Saturday) at Stadium Nasional, Bukit Jalil (outdoor stadium).

Based on G-Dragon’s video for promote his solo concert to Malaysian VIP – he look so excited to meet again Malaysian VIP, after the Big Bang 2012 Alive Tour Concert in Malaysia at Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. These concert also the outdoor concert, same as like Big Bang 2012 Alive Tour Concert in Malaysia, last year. This concert also the only outdoor concert of G-Dragon 2013 World Tour: One of a Kind. 

Translate: "Yo Wassup Malaysia! I'm G-Dragon! I’m going to see you again! I'm going to have my 1st Solo Concert in Malaysia on 22/06, 8pm at Stadium National. I hope that all of you can come and join the party together! This also will be my one and only outdoor concert for my Solo Tour! I feel excited!! I had prepared a lot for the upcoming concert. And I hope you guys will like the present I give to you all! I think this gonna be a Fantastic Concert! Come get your crayon!

Even though, the concert in Malaysia is the only 1 day concert rather than other countries of G-Dragon concert tour but G-Dragon still look excited to make outdoor concert again to Malaysian VIP. Malaysian VIP also shares the same feeling with G-Dragon – that we also excited to watch his live performance of the outdoor concert again and his present performance that he said on that video.

Not so surprised!! That some hardcore VIP can wait on long queue to buy ticket CAT 1 or known as VIP ticket of G-Dragon 2013 World Tour” One of a Kind Live in Malaysia in 3 days queue before the dated 11th May 2013. They start overnight queue on Wednesday night – only to get big chance to buy VIP ticket.

Actually, my friends also overnight queue in front of Fahrenheit88 – start on Thursday night but they take turn to overnight queue include me. But I only do the overnight queue on 1 day before 11th May 2013 because I working.

On 11th May 2013 (Saturday), the long queue stretched all the way to Jalan Walter Gremier, which around 9 am in morning. Almost 2,000 people of VIP take long queue for buying tickets concert G-Dragon 2013 World Tour: One of a Kind Live in Malaysia. The VIP ticket already sold out in one hour after counter ticket open around 10.15 am.
I and my friends so happy when we can manage to get VIP ticket after overnight queue, even though the organize RITS make many mistake this time. For example, the error printing date of concert, error spelling name’s ticket holder, give random VIP tickets and more..
I hope they can manage well during this concert... Now, start count days for G-Dragon 2013 World Tour: One of a Kind Live in Malaysia..

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