I can't remember when I bought this book in Seoul, Korea meanwhile I go there for a holiday. I got interested when I took the cover and the title of this book "당신의 고독과 당신은 무슨 사이입니까 – If I not mistake, it is mean " What are you between your solitude and you". I was bought this book with the price is KRW 12,000 (RM 44.40). Logical but not dry, sharp but lyrical emotional essay. A warm book has appeared that will relieve your blood.
A collection of sensibility essays in the early morning "What is your relationship with your solitude". This book is divided into two main chapters. Chapter 1, ``Come and Go,'' tells small stories of everyday life such as cherry blossom viewing, restaurant bowls, breakfast, and passion for others. Wrote articles like gems that can be comforting, fun, and joy such as such events and the autumn sun. This book, which is full of the artist's warm gaze toward the object, will be a book that evokes the reader's sympathy as the author's memories and experiences are well written. Beginning with the story of very trivial things, he puts a period with a lingering between empathy and sympathy. Now, 'What are you between your solitude and you?'
논리적이지만 건조하지 않고, 예리하지만 서정적인 감성 에세이.
당신의 피로 해소제가 되어줄 따뜻한 책이 등장했다.
전새벽 감성 에세이집 『당신의 고독과 당신은 무슨 사이입니까』. 이 책은 크게 두 개의 장으로 1장 「오다가다」는 벚꽃놀이, 식당의 그릇, 아침 식사, 타인에 대한 열정 등 소소한 일상 이야기를 담담하게 풀어내고 있으며 2장 「차분히 앉아서」는 아조트, 사실은 그런 일, 가을 햇볕 등 위로가 되고 재미가 되고 기쁨이 될 수 있는 주옥같은 글을 수록했다. 대상을 향한 작가의 따뜻한 시선이 듬뿍 담겨 있는 이 책은 저자의 추억과 경험이 글에 잘 입혀져 독자에게 공감을 불러일으키는 책이 될 것이다. 아주 사소한 것들의 이야기를 시작으로 공감과 동감 사이의 여운을 남긴 채 마침표를 찍는다. 지금, ‘당신의 고독과 당신은 무슨 사이입니까.’
The book is just a collection of essays and short stories. I found that they resonated with me, made me think, and kind of inspired/gave me some encouragement. It is honestly such a beautiful read. I highly recommend it to anyone! Through these small essays and short stories, I've been practicing my Korean reading/reciting. They are sweet, although sad, and the illustrations are pretty. I would like to give 4.7 stars out of 5 stars to this book.